Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Confessions of an economic hitman

In the book confessions of an economic hitman, the author explains the risks of an economic hitman, and their work. To be an economic, even though it's very well payed, as the book describes it, is the responsible of cheating countries in order to gain money from this countries.

The role of economic hitmans, is very important because they impact counties in positive and negative ways.

There are a lot of countries affected by economic hitmans, Panama for example, when the U.S wanted the canal back, economic hitmans arranged business to obtain the canal back, when the pressident declined the offer, the U.S government ordered to kille the president. The whole thing seemed an accident, but only a few people knew the truth.

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Ecuador for example, was another country affected by them. The U.S government wanted power in ecuador's oil companies. Economic hitmans arranged contracts, and when the pressident refused to accept, they did exactly the same as what they did with Omar T.  

The power of privilege

Talking about race and how this one defines a persons place in the world, a lot of privileges a person has, are based in what race this person belongs to. 
The most common example of this, is the whites, and the power they have towars society. 

In the world most of the wealthy people is white, it's the dominant race.
People is discriminated by their race, defining the privileges and power. Talking about money and education for example, opportunities to study for a white person, are not the same ones for a black. Even if blacks have education, their education is not as good.
Money is very important to, the white people, is in charge of wealth and money, the treatment and the chances of a black are not the same, there is not equality.


In our world, there are inimaginable things and ideas that are important to choose our place in the world. Race, a very important idea for almost all human kind, it's also the one to blame for lots of injustices.

Race it's told to be a biologycall myth, in "the power of an illusion", race started as the division of ethnic group or historical collectivity. Biologically race does not exist, a lot of people believe they aregenetically  different, when in fact, we are very similar. 
With race, a lot of things come along. Racism "...excludes, or seeks to eliminate another on the basis of differences that it believes are hereditary and unalterable."(Fredrickson George, 2003). This idea of racism, it's basically the main goal of race, by saying this, race it's a strategy used by the government, to "organize", marginate, divide, etc. 
unfortunately, this strategy it's successful and in out society, a lot of people is discriminated by race.

George M. Fredrickson is Edgar E. Robinson Professor Emeritus of United States History at Stanford University.


Monday, March 24, 2014

The Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea is now a "disputed" territory between Ukraine and Russia. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the independence of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was considered an integral part of Ukraine.
In february 2014, following the change of power in Ukraine, many separatist tensions took place in this russian-speaking region. The crisis began with the protests leaded by Ukrainian people to support the rapprochement of Ukraine to the European Union. This was rejected by the russian-speaking communities of the southeastern part of the country, composed mostly by ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians.

Located south from the primary ukrainian territory, the Republic of Crimea was the center of pro-russian protests. It was proposed a separatist referendum and there were a series of military revolts, including both local troops and Russian troops. On March 6, 2014, the authorities of the Republic of Crimea announced the call for a referendum on March 16, which will ask the people to vote in order to formally join Russia and no longer be a part of Ukraine. People voted, and as a result on March 18, leaders of the Republic of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov and Sergei Aksionov, as well as russian President Vladimir Putin, signed the treaty of accession of Crimea as a new federal territories to Russia.

This also caused a diplomatic crisis between Russia, the United States and the European Union. This last two announced political and economic sanctions against Russia, accused of violating International Law because of their military presence in Crimea. Nevertheless, and in spite of the great tension between this two world powers, president Barack Obama said that his country " do not intend to intervene militarily in the crisis in Ukraine". 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Israel vs. palestine

Israel, now days a middle east country, it's a combination between jews and palestinian people. 
Trough the years, there has been a constant fight not only between these two, but also between them and the government or military. 
The fight started because ofthe zionists and arabs conflict. They fight for territory, water rights, mobilization, but most important, the palestinians independence.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I like this blog, because it's about one of my favourite magazines, "Revista Semana". Here you can find news, latest updates, and good articles.