Sunday, February 23, 2014

My country

The night was dark and cold, every single tree was awake, and by the look on people's faces, you could tell that something was coming. The look on their faces, full of hatred, disturbed my mind. Do they wanted justice, democracy, and order?, how could they thought claiming such things, as they did?.

The way things worked back then, were not the best. Our system was incredibly damaged, there was nothing democratic, fair, and equal in it. People started to feel betrayed, left alone, offended.
At first they talked about it for months, days, and hours; Then, when no results were shown, then it began.

I remember i was sleeping, that march 15, had nothing special. My mom was in the kitchen while my three sisters watched doodles. That awful habit mom has, of watching news late at night, changed our lives forever. The unrest began that day, the "rebels", as they called them, were tired of asking, talking, wondering. Why do i say "they", we!, i am part of this, i was and i'm still.
I think i disagree in some things, and even though now my country is not the best, i can't help to feel the way i do.
Off course they made us look like villains, the whole world thought we were just a bunch of misfits, searching for revolt.

I was never really a part of it back then, i mean, i knew how our country was, and they way things worked, but i never did a thing about it. Every one at school, the bigger ones, began to skip school, there was just a few of us left, attending to class. I believe i graduated miraculously. When i started to join late meetings, my mom supported me, she even persuaded my sisters. Every thing was going fine, i thought i was doing something good for my country, thinking and asking for reform is not a bad thing to do.

Things got worst when the army was ordered to attack us. Everything turned terrible, people in charge wasn't thinking, they decided to reply the attacks. I didn't knew how to use a gun, i had not even seen one, perhaps only in movies. When they announced we were at war, my mom forbid me to attend meetings again, my sisters could not see the news, specially then, my dad was one of the main leaders of the armed protests.

Two years passed, my dad's location is unknown, my sisters live with my mom in a very small and hidden house, i visit them when i get payed at work, off course this is not a regular thing.
I live with three friends in the attic of an old house. We never know if we are going to be alive to see the next day. We take turns to use the only cellphone in the house, every one of us has family, someone to love. I don't know much about the solutions that could fix this war. There is one thing i know for sure, my country will not be abandoned, there's still people fighting for it, there's still hope, i have hope, and i have faith.

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