Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Manifesto

Tiffany May                                                                                                                    May 1
Ms. Sierra & Mr. Patterson
Manifesto 12.1
4 May 2014                                                                                  

My Manifesto

My name, Tiffany May, an odd name in the country i live in, Colombia.I have 17 years old, those are the most insignificant years, even though it's only one year, still i don't like 17s. I have three sisters, two parents, a dog, and a very big stomach. I don't really like talking about myself, in this case i'll give it a try. I am a dreamer that usually tends to confuse reality and wonderland, i am full of laughs and food, i am full of love and hate, i am full of God and the Devil, i am a very good writer (or a very fool believer), i am not a very social person and still i make friends very easily, i communicate myself with actions instead of words, i am a musician, i love music, i love movies, i love good books, i love dancing, i am a dramatic, and among lots of thigs i try to be myself every day.

I don't remember when i was i born, i really don't think anyone remembers that, or at least would like to remember. The doctor was drunk and i don't blame the guy, it was a 31 of december. My mother almost dies because of me, and i don't remember hearing the version of my dad. Even though i don't remember that day, that year showed me how unexpected life can be. After you are born childhood comes along, my childhood memories are very traditionals, sweet curly girl, pink everywhere, flowers and nature,toys, barbies, food, great school days, crying, television, very bad boring music, the list keeps going. My sisters, off course, loved me and treated me like a segregated child. I had the misfortune of being born almost nine years after all of my sisters were born. I've always been my father's favorite, my mother's company, and my sister's little baby. And why am i talking about this?, well all this showed me that as a human being living in a "herd", you end up being known as the idea they have of you. Fortunately when you start making mistakes and choices, creating ideas, proving your points, doing your things; you start creating yourself and showing what you think, how you feel, likes, dislikes, how to be treated, this is when you start putting some value into your name.

Not like all of my classmates i have a whole history in the school we study. I lived in another city, i had only two truly lasting friends, i had both of my parents, and i didn't had a dog. Those nine years of school,i have to admit it was a hard working school, were the most wonderfull years of my life, i remember those years as if my life was a flower full of polen and certain precious smell. My first love was my first mistake, my first lie was my first fight, my very first deep feeling was the sound of my guitar, and my first kiss was my first desire. Those years showed me how stupid, selfish, wonderfull, incredible, sad, happy, life can be. I learned to be strong, i learned to care about life, i learned to enjoy things my own way, i learned to love, i learned to hate, i learned to leave something of myself in everything and everyone, and the most important thing i learned was to trasure the things that mattered.

After the golden years my parents decided to split, me and my mom moved here, at first it was really hard, but then we both made our own lives. My cousins studied in the school, so i did too. The first day of school i made friends but i was always with my cousin's friends, so it took me a while showing my real personality. When i felt good with them, they showed me to have fun more often (something not entirely good), they showed me that not everyone does the same things even if they think the same. During my current school, three years, showed me with all do respect, how we learn unnecessary things, we kill ourselves memorizing a bunch of numbers and formulas only to follow some rule and pass a test written in a piece of paper. High school showed me how stupid kids are now a days, and how much you can learn from people that knows about stuff, valuable stuff.

Many things i've learned and i'm only seventeen sad years old, the question is how will i use those things in order to become what i want to be. What i want to be, i don't really know but i have an idea. I would like to be just like i am today but with less mistakes, more knwoledge, and more value. I will keep my ideas, as fool and wrong as they are, i will respect ther points of view, i will be a funny and crazy as i am, i will respect my body and soul, i will love sincerely, i will be myself. I learned life can be unexpected, so i will be ready for everything. I learned that as a human being living in a "herd", you end up being known as the idea they have of you, so i will not say anything if i don't know everything. I learned how stupid, selfish, wonderfull, incredible, sad, happy, life can be; so i will stay strong and try to understand the complexity of life. I learned to be strong, i learned to care about life, i learned to enjoy things my own way, i learned to love, i learned to hate, i learned to leave something of myself in everything and everyone, and the most important thing i learned was to trasure the things that mattered; so i will be original and make room for memories in my mind. I learned to have fun more often, and that not everyone does the same things even if they think the same; so i will do my best to have fun and respect the ideas of others. Finally, i learned that we learn unnecessary things, so i will try to learn only good and significant things. “ Live as if you were to die tomorrow.Learn as if you were to live forever”(Gandhi,1940), I believe this quote says that all the things i've learned will help me to become what i want to be tomorrow, in a week, in a future.

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